Loch Haven Hills Home Owners Association
To locate a Policy, Bylaw or CC&R, check the index immediately below and then scroll down to the specific Policy, Bylaw or CC&R and click to see the adopted document. Note that some Bylaws may have been superseded by an Amendment, so scroll the entire document to read the current version.
Articles of Incorporation
Bylaw Amendment 3.5
Bylaw Amendment 4
Bylaw Amendment 5.2
Roberts Rules Simple version
Bylaw Amendment 10.1.2
Bylaw Amendment 12.8
Articles of Incorporation
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
CC&R's amendment Art. 2
Forest Managment
Idaho Department of Lands Report 2017
Loch Haven Hills HOA Letter 3-17
The Covenants, Conditions, and Regulations for the Association stipulate that an Architectural Control committee be appointed by the Board of Directors. The current Committee is made up of three members who are all residents and owners within the Association. The function of this committee is to review and approve or reject any changes to the appearance of a home. Such changes might include but are not limited to repainting, reroofing, remodeling, adding a shed, replacing or adding a fence, and other similar home improvements. The committee is sympathetic to the needs of members and generally projects are approved in a very short time. Only occasionally when an owner proposes to use inappropriate materials or dramatically change the appearance of his home, does the committee reject an application. Please download and submit the following form to the address or email listed on the form.
Application PDF
Application .DOC
Unless otherwise noted, Meetings of the board of directors are to be held on the third Wednesday of the month. The annual meeting is normally held on the second Tuesday in the month of April. Meetings are held online or by phone using GoToMeeting.
Copyright 2013-2020. Loch Haven Hills Home Owner Assn.. All Rights Reserved. (208) 771-5776 Email: Admin@lochhavenhills.net